47% Companies Deploy Generative AI Adoption :Adobe

47% Companies Deploy Generative AI Adoption :Adobe

Adobe's research reveals that Indian brands are not fully embracing generative AI, with only 5 in 10 adopting it, despite 9 in 10 employees claiming to have used generative AI in marketing campaigns. The study emphasises that Indian brands are prioritising customer experiences for growth, but formal business rollouts of generative AI lag behind consumer demand and employee usage.

In the workplace, 94 per cent of Indian employees reported using generative AI in marketing and customer experience campaigns. Large language models and text-to-image generators were popular tools, with 52 per cent and 50 per cent usage, respectively. However, only 47 per cent of respondents indicated that their companies currently leverage generative AI tools.

Anindita Veluri, Marketing Director at Adobe India, commented, "Generative AI represents a transformative shift in how brands connect with consumers. It goes beyond mere automation and is the key to unleashing creativity, achieving hyper-personalization, and productivity in marketing."

The research also highlights a shift in marketing and customer experience budgets, with 42 per cent of organisations already cutting these budgets, and 37 per cent planning to do so in the next 12 months. To drive efficiencies, 70 per cent are deploying technology solutions, and 59 per cent are turning to generative AI.

Additionally, the study underscores the importance of brand trust as a key factor influencing consumer spending. Data security, sustainability, and accessibility were identified as crucial elements. Consumers are more likely to stay loyal to brands they trust, with 44 per cent expressing this sentiment, and 45 per cent indicating they are more likely to spend more with trusted brands.

Regarding data safety, 90 per cent of Indian consumers would decrease spending with brands that don't keep their data safe, with 49 per cent refusing to spend at all. An inaccessible experience would prompt 91 per cent to spend less, and 90 per cent would cut spending if a brand doesn't comply with sustainability regulations.

“As employees start to bring their own generative AI tools to work, organisations need to be on the front foot with AI usage policies and monitoring,” said Duncan Egan, Vice President Digital Experience Marketing Asia Pacific and Japan, Adobe. Without this, brands run the risk of having multiple shadow AI solutions that fail to meet the organisation’s security, privacy, data handling, and compliance standards. Strong guardrails are also required to ensure ethics and legal governance are baked into the usage of these tools, particularly given consumer concerns and the premium placed on brand trust.”


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