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Lenovo Declared

Lenovo Declared "Overall Winner" in InterDigital FRAND Case

Lenovo announced that the UK High Court has declared Lenovo undoubtedly the overall winner in ongoing litigation with InterDigital regarding license rates for 3G, 4G, and 5G patents. The Court is requiring InterDigital to pay the bulk of Lenovo's legal costs for the FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and Non-discriminatory) case.


Today’s judgment further reinforces Lenovo’s continued commitment as a willing licensee and validates the license rate Lenovo advocated for in litigation.


Lenovo’s John Mulgrew, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel & Chief Intellectual Property Officer, welcomes the decision as follows:


“Lenovo’s clear win in this FRAND rate-setting case is a broader, landmark victory for the technology industry and the customers we serve. The Court’s determination that InterDigital’s global cellular royalty rate should be US$0.175 per unit provides full transparency in the face of InterDigital’s supra-FRAND offers and behavior as an unwilling licensor. We are pleased that the UK Court's judgment facilitates the proliferation of affordable innovation to customers around the world.”


Lenovo’s earlier comments on the FRAND case can be found in this statement. The full judgment will be available on the National Archive website later today under case number HP-2019-000032.

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